E-learning and remote training

In any country, there are only a handful of cities that contain most of the institutes. And for some students it is not possible to move either because of the distance or because of financial problems to pay for the institute and rent and transportation…etc. That’s why came the idea to seek a solution of some kind to provide education in any field or expertise to anyone. And that’s how E-learning came to life. To take away the limitations of geography and the problem of travel and money, especially for poor countries whose students travel to Europe and the States seeking a certain high education which isn’t available in their countries. This new technique keeps materials up-to-date, and the lower costs over time remove what for them are insurmountable obstacles to furthering their education. It allows information on highly specialized subjects to reach more people, paving the way for advances in fields from telemedicine to non-profit charities.

E-learning is a new term that appeared in the last decade. It is a method of learning that allows remote people to get together with the instructor from their homes, without having to move to institutes or attend the courses at the same place as the instructor’s, which may not be convenient for some people.

E-learning is used, in particular, to teach remote people from different physical locations, cities and even different countries. And gather them together through their computers to access the same information. And that’s why it is also called remote learning or remote training.

E-learning is not only about gathering trainees and students to connect together at the same time with the instuctor, which may not be convenient for some countries due to the different time zones, as morning in The States is late night in eastern Asia. The way afternoon and evening in The States is early morning in Western Africa and Europe. Even though we manage groups according to time zones and every group can participate at a time and for a duration that suits their schedules.

E-learning is also giving access to information and training materials from anywhere in the world at any convenient time for the trainee.

And since it proved to be a richer and more effective learning experience than traditional methods and channels. We at the AIITA adopted this method, and so present the possibility to train you remotely to get your certificate or even diploma without having to move to our institute. And that’s one of the many advantages we offer. All you need is a computer and internet access.

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