Education & Training

There is no shadow of doubt that you can learn a lot in college, but you may not come up with all the skills you need to succeed in the world of work. The American International Institute of Training and Accreditation is made just to provide all the skills you need to start as a capable and successful employee. It also provides you skills to rise and shine in your field through our programs and high skilled trainers.

Are you an employer ? Do you want your company to make more income ? You need to train your workers to get better results. And paying for their training at the AIITA is, for sure, not regrettable.

Are you a worker ? Then you should know that workers want to learn advanced techniques or new skills in order to vie for a higher wage, so as to increase their earning potential by developing and refining their capabilities. Because the more they know about a particular job’s function or the more they understand a particular industry, the more valuable they will become to an employer.

Are you an individual and a company owner ? We can also train you to manage your investment and succeed.

The study of the economics of training and education involves an analysis of the economy as a whole, of employers and of workers. Two major concepts that influence the wage rate are training and education. In general, well-trained workers tend to be more productive and earn more money than workers with poorer training.

Many countries have placed greater emphasis on developing an education system that can produce workers able to function in new industries, such as those in the fields of technology and science.

When economists speak of “education,” the focus is not strictly on workers obtaining college degrees. Education is often broken into specific levels:

Primary – referred to as elementary school in the U.S.
Secondary – includes middle schools, high schools and preparatory schools.
Post-secondary – universities, community colleges and vocational schools.

A country’s economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases, since educated workers are able to more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking. For better-educated workers tend to be more productive than less educated ones. However, obtaining a higher level of education also carries a cost. A country doesn’t have to provide an extensive network of colleges or universities in order to benefit from education, it can provide basic literacy programs. That’s where our role comes, to help train people and get them ready for the job.

To sum up ; education and training are the key towards success, and The American Internatiional Instutute of Training and accreditation, is your bridge toward that.

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